Combine II
"Almost" 2018
28 x 44 x 6 cm, lotus leaves, tulle, thread, ink
"Drawing A" 2018
28 x 20 cm, pencil on paper
Combine l
"Nest" 2018
34 x 36 x 7 cm, silk thread, bamboo, cider, plywood, ink, dye
"Drawing N" 2018
28 x 20 cm, Chinese ink on paper
Sculpture II
"The Tragic Venture of an Ant in My Bathtub" 2018
145 x 81 x 42 cm, wire, Japanese maple, forsythia, acrylic paint
"Drawing V" 2018
28 x 20 cm, felt pen and Chinese ink on paper
3 D -1""
"Two" 2018
131 x 34 x 31 cm, wire, dogwood, linen string
"Drawing T" 2018
28 x 20cm, Chinese ink on paper
Soft Sculpture II
"Down" 2018
27 x 23 x 15 cm, found material including threads, cloths, metal and wood
"Drawing D" 2018
28 x 20 cm, Chinese ink on paper
Soft Sculpture
"Up" 2018
32 x 20 x 11 cm, mixed threads, clothes and wood
"Drawing U" 2018
28 x 20 cm, Chinese ink on paper
Faces II
"Laughing Face" 2018
63 x 36 x 13 cm, mixed twigs, oil and acrylic paint
"Face 2" 2018
28 x 20 cm, Chinese ink
"Funny Face" 2018
41 x 24 x 15 cm. mixed twigs, acrylic and oil paint
"Face 1"2018
28 x 20 cm. Chinese ink
"Heaven and Earth" 2012
76 x 114 x 2 cm
sil and cotton thread
"Red, Grey and White" 2011
175 x 5 x 10 cm
silk thread, colton cloth, pin
Detail of above
"Mineral Blue" 2011
181 x 60 x 6 cm
mixed threads, nail
Detail of above
Life - Work commissioned by Kokoro Dance, Vancouver, BC
Studies of Balls
"Balls 1 and 3" 2007
"Balls #3" 2007
7,5 x 5 x 4 cm
horse chestnut, tangerine, copper wir
"Balls #2" 2007
9 x 5 x 5 cm
dried lime and bamboo
"Balls #1" 2007
10 x 6 x 5 cm
dried lime, bamboo, wire
Wood Sculpture
"Bottoms" 2014
30 x 30 x 60 cm
wood, acrylic paint
As above
Same as above
Studies in Thread, sizes varied
Wire Work
"Foraging" 2014
25 x 38 x 18 cm
wire, silk and cotton thread
"Stalking" 2014
58 x 114 x 10 cm
wires, cotton and nylon threads, plexiglas
Bamboo Work
"Air" 2013
28 x 17 x 7 cm
bamboo, oil paint
"River of No Return" 2013
37 x 23 x 18,5 cm
bamboo, oil paint
Metal Work ( Made in China #4 )
"Garden with a Pond" 2012
33 x 61 x 15 cm
Aluminum, dogwood, copper, acrylic paint
"Domus" 2012
122 x 25 7,5 cm
Stainless steel, linen string, wood
Metal Work ( Made in China #3 )
"Deep Breathing" 2009
141 x 33 x 9 cm
Stainless steel, silk organza, silk thread, cotton cloth
Detail of above
Thread work
"Red Star". 2008
111 x 4 x 2 cm
silk thread, button, nail
Detail of above, showing installation
"Red Star" installation 2
Detail of above
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